Sunday, April 8, 2018

Pregnancy / Gender Reveal

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Excited to finally share with you that Blake and I are having a BABY BOY!!!!!! What’s been so special about our gender reveal is that with everything we went through doing IVF, there are really no secrets to hold onto and save to share with loved ones. A part of the pregnancy process is ripped away from you when struggling with infertility and that is often a hard pill to swallow. But the special thing was that we were able to keep the gender a secret from our families and able to share such special news with them as our own little secret to unravel. Because of the process we went through, we knew the babies gender on the day of our transfer. We both wanted to know and it helped me so much to visualize my life with baby and to get through the rest of the IVF process. I am not one for secrets! Love the idea of being able to fully prepare for baby boy’s arrival. It’s now amazing not to have to hide the sex and share the little baby boy goodies rolling in to shower our sweet boy. Sharing some more about our gender reveal, how we are feeling, and more below. We can not wait to meet you Baby Boy Lapides!!!

How did we reveal to our families?
Since both our families live on the East Coast, we decided to send both our families confetti bombs to spill our secret. We videoed in to watch them find out the gender and that was a very special moment. Also, it was great to watch them figure out how to use the confetti bombs. HA!

Do we have a name?
YES! We have a name and we are keeping it a secret. Once our little dude is here, you will be the first to know.

How we are feeling about having a boy?
In all honesty, I secretly wanted a girl. I know girls. I grew up with a sister. I feel guilty even typing that because of how much we went through to get here. But it’s the truth. I think we all have our hopes when it comes to gender for whatever reason. I think I was a little bit disappointed, mostly because the first embryo we transferred and lost was a girl. The only reason I am sharing any of this is because it’s important to know that that feelings you have are valid. Even though it seems so ungrateful to feel disappointment when it comes to gender, it’s human to feel. And it’s ok. I would be lucky to to have any baby in my life. After the first initial moments of finding out, of course now, we could not be happier to have a little boy join our family. It’s going to be a beautiful learning experience and good thing I have Blake to help me out and know what all the cool boys do!

Have we started the nursery?
We are in the beginning stages of researching for our nursery. Anne is going to be helping us put things together and I am literally bursting to create a room for our tiny little man. Our guest room has always been “the babies room” and it’s crazy to believe that the room is finally going to transform. I plan to keep the nursery pretty gender neutral and give it a sophisticated twist so the room can really grow with him. Can’t wait to share the details as we continue to dream up baby’s nursery.

Have we bought anything for Baby Boy?
So, if you don’t know, Blake and I are DIEHARD Philadelphia sports fans. So the minute the Eagles won the superbowl this year, Blake was online ordering the baby all his Eagles super bowl gear. Soon after, Blake has bought every Philly sports team onesie he could find. Needless to say… he is so excited and our baby is going to decked out for every sports season. We haven’t bought too much else yet but we did scoop up 2 H&M mickey mouse outfits for next fall for baby’s first trips to Disneyland. We live pretty close to Disneyland and already go alot (as adults with no kids!). Can’t wait to share the Disney magic with him.

What’s up next?
As you read this we are likely at our OBGYN getting our anatomy scan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am currently 18 weeks 5 days and I have looked forward to this day for so long. The last time we saw our baby was week 12 and then at week 16 we heard baby’s heartbeat but didn’t see him on ultrasound. I have been having serious anxiety waiting to see him!!!!!! We were so used to seeing baby every week going through IVF so it’s been a transition to get used to the fact that our visits are further apart. This anatomy scan takes between 45 minutes to 1 hour and it’s the longest ultrasound during pregnancy. They basically measure every little bitty part of of the baby including arms, legs and organs etc. They are checking to make sure all development is on track and looking good. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Have to try to soak in every minute with our sweet baby during that appointment.

Again, I have to continue to thank you all for your kindness and warm wishes for our little boy. There is not one day that I take this pregnancy for granted. Every day closer to my delivery date just puts a smile on my face. It’s incredible to know that from such pain can come such beautiful bliss. Baby Boy Lapides, you have no idea how long we have waited for you and the day I get to hold you in my arms, I am going to be forever grateful to be your mother.

The post Pregnancy / Gender Reveal appeared first on eat.sleep.wear. - Fashion & Lifestyle Blog by Kimberly Pesch.

Via Wellness

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